What if everybody relied on YOU to solve a mission where a koala named Kazoo has gotten stolen  “(the main character Teddy)” read the first book Poached by Stuart Gibbs. Teddy uses clues to find out who stole this koala but he got accused of stealing a koala in the park FunJungle. Then nobody believed his evidence of not stealing the koala. In his past life he has almost died and  he has gotten to solve missions like this but he has never got accused. None of his family approves of this because he has gotten into dangerous situations where he has almost died. He has had one particular struggle in his life: having to live in a RV because his family doesn’t make a lot of money.. Since he was living in an RV if he did not find enough clues for the people to believe him he would be homeless. Throughout the book, Teddy has to face many challenges to prove the people wrong that they accused him and he has to find clues to find the REAL THIEF! Will Teddy find the real thief or will he be accused and get sent to juvenile prison? Read more of Poached by Stuart Gibbs to find out what happens.

If you like the book Poached then another good book you would like to read is Because Of The Rabbit by Cynthia Lord. One reason why both of these books connect is because both of the main characters have to save an animal. Another reason why they connect is because both of the characters are different from anyone else in the town and they stay true to themselves. One problem Emma is facing in the book is that she doesn’t stay on topic in her  school and is worried she is gonna be different because all she talks about is her rabbit. Will Emma finally figure out a way to focus or is she t? Read the book Because Of The Rabbit by Cynthia Lord to find out more and don’t forget to read Poached by Stuart Gibbs also!

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